A game for the next 15 years: counting license plates
July 01, 2023 · 2 mins · 513 words
Since last October, I’ve been playing in a simple game all by myself, with just one rule - I have to spot all the license plates from 0000 to 9999 in sequential order. Where I live, license plates follow this format: XXXX - AAA
, where XXXX
represents 4 numbers, and AAA
are three letters.
At the beginning, things got off to a slow start. I was only able to spot the 0000
license plate, and it was a bit frustrating. I realised I had to use my numbers game to see what was going on. You see, for each license plate I encountered, I had a probability of
Now, figuring out the probability of spotting exactly
To succeed, I estimate that an overall success probability of 80% is enough. So, I had to solve
So, I decided to take it easy and change the game a bit. Instead of aiming to spot all the license plates from 0000
to 9999
, I opted to look for plates between *000
and *999
, where *
can be any number. This relaxation allowed me to progress up to *052
as of today.
Since starting in October, I’ve had 55 successful spottings. By using some math magic, I estimated that I’ve probably seen around
So, there you have it! Using some basic statistics saved me from wasting years of my life pursuing an impossible game to win.
While writing this text I realised that another way to succeed in the original game is to distribute it among
That wraps up today’s post. Next time, I’ll delve into another fun game involving license plates. Stay tuned!